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Courtroom Sketch - Court Reporter Sighting

The Hunters were represented by Arthur Farberov (seated, right), trial counsel to the Levin Law Group. Farberov alleged that Moyal had...

Pair go to Bat for Miracle League

John and Michele Bowen are baseball fans."Our family loves the Cubs," John Bowen says. That only partially explains their connection with...

Justice For All? Or Just Those at the Top

Court reporters keep an accurate and legally binding record of court proceedings, and legal processing specialists help county residents...

Court Reporter's Art Sheds Light on Native History

DeForest resident Geri Schrab never planned on being a painter of rock art. Between growing up on a dairy farm in Dodge County and her...

Stenographer Opinion - The Rush to Judgment

Opinion - As a woman, I’m disturbed by all the recent sexual harassment allegations brought against prominent men. However, as a former...

Courtroom Sketch - Court Reporter Sighting

The livery driver was represented by Richard Sands (seated, center), who alleged that his client was driving appropriately but had little...

No One's Recording What Happens in Family Law Court

One month earlier, a court reporter would have sat there with a stenotype machine, recording everything said during the hearing. But the...

Sketches of Court - Court Reporter Sighting!

The jury determined that the van and driver were involved in the accident, but that the defendant’s negligence was not a substantial...

Court reporter Finds Skills in High Demand

“I work seven days a week and I love it,” she said last week while setting up to transcribe the proceedings of the Jacksonville Historic...

Economy Lower California Court Reporter Numbers

It appears a healthier economy, high living expenses in California and a trend away from “mom and pop” court reporting firms of the past...

Lawsuits Are Too Expensive For Frivolity

I love court reporters and have used the same reporter for most of my career, but she gets paid well. It is hard work listening to...

Guardian of Records

Teri Welsh Gould said if she would have known what a court reporter was earlier in life, she might have skipped becoming an accountant. ...

Questions Arise Over Missing Documents in Appeals

In addition, he argued, Bean, through Gibbons, had threatened to sue the court reporter who had transcribed the entirety of the Planning...

Legal Loophole in Court Reporter’s Case

April Balcombe may never get her day in court. On Sept. 27, one year after filing a federal lawsuit against Travis County alleging sexual...

Court Reporter Spotted in Courtroom Sketch

A bracketed settlement agreement that was reached prior to the trial would compensate the plaintiff for pain and suffering in an amount...

Closed Captioning Brings Clarity to Hearing Impaired

When Cindy Braun began her career as a court reporter 25 years ago, she never envisioned it would one day lead to a closed captioning...

Real House Moms of Baker University

Her first job was as a secretary, but she then became interested in court reporting. She followed that path, attending school for it in...

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