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Superior Court Workers Report Erosion

Let’s say you have been involved in a court case that has finally come before the Sonoma County Superior Court. But 30 minutes past the...

Court reporter Seeks District Judge Seat

While she was still in high school, her guidance counselor suggested she become a court reporter because of her considerable typing...

Cambria County Approves Raises for Court Reporters

With an ongoing shortage of court reporters across the state and even nationwide, Cambria County leaders have opted to bump up...

Sketches of Court: Court Reporter Sighting

Former U.S. Rep. Hon. Daniel Frisa (second from right) of the law firm Rosicki, Rosicki & Associates represents the plaintiff. Dear...

Ricketts Meets with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community

In what’s believed to be a first for a sitting Nebraska governor, Ricketts fielded questions about the accessibility of interpreters at...

State Seeing a Shortage of Court Reporters

In a typical court room there's a judge, the defense, prosecution, and a court reporter. Their job is to take down every word that is...

Will County - No Electronics in the Courthouse

Certified court reporters are on hand to record everything that’s said in open court and during session for felony and juvenile cases....

Rogers County Therapy Dogs are Sworn In

Jerzy’s handler, Mindie Baab, started the therapeutic dog service at the courthouse in May 2015 after witnessing many children in a...

California’s Family Court System Reviewed

Litigants can appeal a court ruling—but generally only if there is a transcript of the proceedings. However, most counties have...

Court Reporters - Silent Witnesses to History

Kayla Maruska isn't complaining, but she can't wait until another court reporter comes along who's younger than she is. Colleagues have...

NCRF Records Stories of Veterans

Hard-of-hearing veterans will have a special chance to tell their stories of war and civilian life. The National Court Reporters...

Sketches of Court: Court Reporter Sighting

The jury made a determination of comparative negligence, finding the defendant 90 percent at fault and the plaintiff 10 percent at fault...

Nueces County Research Court Reporters' salaries

The judges have been short on court reporters since several in the past two years left Nueces County for other counties where the pay is...

Writing 360 Words a Minute

A decent typist can do 80 words per minute. Mark Kislingbury can hit more than four times that speed. He’s the fastest in the world, and...

Terrebonne Courthouse observes 'Fifth Week'

"When an appeal is filed on a criminal case, that appeal is usually returnable to the court of appeals within 60 days where someone else...

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