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Court Reporter is Pageant of the Masters Painter

Carrie Morgan, a court reporter by day, has volunteered in the make-up department for the last four years. An Aliso Viejo resident, she...

Court Reporter Promotion Remains Under Review

Though Judge Steve Kouri rescinded the controversial promotions of two court-reporting employees, he has requested that the positions...

Hobby Becomes Opportunity for Retired Court Reporter

Retirement can be a time of casting about to discover and develop new interests, hobbies, volunteer opportunities and relaxation. Retired...

Court Reporter Sighting in Courtroom Sketch

In this courtroom sketch, Hon. Edgar G. Walker listens as plaintiff’s attorney Joseph Deliso (standing), of the law firm Joseph Deliso...

Court Reporter Sighting in Courtroom Sketch

Court reporter Nancy Silberger (at right) recorded the proceedings. Officer Rich Boles (at left) maintained order. In this courtroom...

Court Reporter Sighting in Courtroom Sketch

Court reporter Jennifer Sampugnaro (at left) records the proceedings. In October 2012, Vladix Despeignes' car was struck by a city bus on...

Rita Carpener, Dalton County Court Reporter

She was a dedicated court reporter for over 40 years in Dalton / Whitfield County. She was a member at Tunnel Hill First Baptist Church....

Court Reporter Thoughts - Pam Delaney - You Are Enough

During my 30 years as a court reporter, I witnessed many defendants, witnesses, and victims enter our grand courtroom wearing their own...

Nadal Says Goodbye to Stenographers at French Open

On Friday Nadal exited a tournament the way he always does: He walked over to the stenography team – which does each of his press...

Promotions for Two Court Reporters Draws Scrutiny

Under scrutiny from peers on the bench, Judge Steve Kouri this week rescinded promotions of two court-reporting employees who recently...

Hitchcock and the Court Reporter

Harold, like Manny, was a jazz musician. He also happened to be a court reporter in NYS Supreme Court, Jamaica, Queens, the very...

Las Vegas Judge Handcuffs Public Defender

Hafen, who is facing two opponents — attorneys Amy Chelini and Phung Horton Jefferson — in his re-election campaign this year, said he...

The Changing Role of Closed Captioning

In recent years, the FCC has been adding new rules expanding closed captioning requirements to online video. To understand the...

Court Reporter Relives Every Word Of Cheating Trial

It's been just over a year since Fulton County Superior Court Judge Jerry Baxter delivered guilty verdicts to eleven educators in the...

Personnel Cuts Would Not Allow RI Courts to Function

“I have to keep a courthouse,” Braud said after the meeting. “I’m required by law to have a good and proper courthouse. In each...

Court Reporter Looks for New Home for Pet Bison

But Schoeve knows it can’t last. She works full-time as a court reporter and can’t spend all day taking care of her little herd. She’s...

Stenotype - Court Reporter Art - Alex Martinis Roe

A stenographer simultaneously transcribed an otherwise private conversation between two people, about their experience as participants in...

Court Reporter Creates Connections in Real Time

Connie Church has a stillness to her that is ingrained from long years of habit. Her posture is perfect, her fingers rest lightly on her...

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