Following the Law at 260 Words Per Minute
Proudly displayed to the right of Judge Raymond Veary’s bench in Barnstable Superior Court one recent Wednesday were two stenotype...
Proudly displayed to the right of Judge Raymond Veary’s bench in Barnstable Superior Court one recent Wednesday were two stenotype...
Shawnee County District Court is “very short” on the number of its court reporters, who record every word said during court hearings and...
The Newman government's "rushed" decision to outsource court transcript services should serve as a cautionary tale for future governments...
The United Public Employees Local 1, which bargains for the court's reporters, clerks and court attendants, voted Friday to dismiss a...
Yeager was provided a headset in the courtroom to help him hear and court reporters provided a simultaneous written transcript of the...
When NCRA member Erminia Uviedo, RMR, CRR, a court reporter from San Antonio, Texas, was asked to serve on a newly created student...
On Thursday, the court did so, writing the city of Little Rock failed to pay on time the $1,500 due a court stenographer and, because of...
Generally, the closed captioning for live sporting events is done in real-time and isn’t automated. While Fox’s method is unclear, ESPN,...
These days, much of her communication is of the thrash-metal kind, especially with Girls Girls Girls! It was founded by Patricia Nilsen,...
"I am 19 years-old and now I've lost the two most important people in my life," she said about those days.She was in Lexington by then,...
Union-represented deputy clerks, court reporters, court attendants and account clerks could strike as soon as Tuesday if a deal is not...
Shana Ray is an advanced court reporting student at College of Marin's court reporting school. At 200 words per minute, she has to pass...
Thousands of “fuzzy study” college graduates who felt more comfortable with words than scientific formulas took jobs as baristas,...
The Unicorns said they want to be Boy Scouts, not Girl Scouts. There's nothing wrong with Girl Scouts, said 10-year-old Skyler Westover,...
The Appellate Division, Second Department, on Wednesday will present eight of its employees with the Milton Mollen Commitment to...
In this scene we see the Stenographers Solo Dance, she is rereading the transcript to the court and to the Judge, (The part where it is...
In an intriguing little corner that few people know about, the court reporter perches behind her steno machine, the power of 225 words a...
Thousands of “fuzzy study” college graduates who felt more comfortable with words than scientific formulas took jobs as baristas,...
When he was drafted in 1945, he was sent to the Philippines and then Japan, and while he was there, he served as MacArthur’s...
I think you're talking about Tamra. I'm sad you reduce her to a 'sassy black woman.' Xosha [Roquemore] is hilarious and gorgeous and...