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Students Learn About Court Procedures

Three judges, a court reporter and opposing lawyers filled a San Juan County Courthouse Tuesday, but it was the 300 high school students...

Longtime Court Reporter Retires

After more than 30 years of recording the spoken word in courtrooms, Hancock County Common Pleas Court reporter Vanessa Edwards is...

The Word of God in Realtime

Many people need help hearing the Word of God. But Merv Daniels needed help to see it. Daniels, 76, of Winter Garden, had been an usher...

Stenographer on Centre Court

The Straits Times speaks to the people who work away from centre court and behind the scenes to find out the quirky details of their...

Theater Gets Open Captioning

On Sunday , Kovac and others who are deaf and hard of hearing will be able to attend a captioned play on the Peninsula with a matinee...

Court Reporter Captions Live Radio Show

In a show where Luke and the guests go on the record (for real—we had a court reporter onstage) Wild author Cheryl Strayed drops some of...

Court Reporters Capture Veterans' Stories

Wilson is one of 15 WWII veterans telling their stories to Iowa court reporters at DMACC's Newton campus Friday. The Veterans History...

What I Do As A Court Reporter

Despite all the advancements in speech-to-text software, when it comes to the courtroom, a human touch is required to create a perfect...

Blind Court Reporter - Student of the Year

The call came out of the blue. “I had the woman repeat it four times on the phone, I was so shocked,” said Guttenberg resident Myra...

Champion Court Reporter in Delaware

The new joke in Delaware's Court of Chancery is that when lawyers are with court reporter Julieanna LaBadia they can speak fast. She,...

The Secret World of the Court Stenographer

“A stenographer is meant to be seen and not heard, like a young lady,” says Gwen Malone, very much tongue-in-cheek.The head of Gwen...

The Court Reporter’s Brain: “A Miracle”

Okay. If you look — and the example is this: Our brains are a miracle. Okay. They’re a miracle that needs to be protected. And if you...

No Interpreter? No Problem

With the jury box behind her, hearing impaired juror Kelly Burwell of Urbana, left, talks to court reporter Laurie Workman about ways to...

Court Reporting - A Different Type of Job

It's still English, but the buttons used by a court reporter's steno machine look like a bunch of grey piano keys. For the professionals...

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