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Court Reporter Removed from Statehouse Misconduct Case

A court reporter assigned to the judge in the Statehouse corruption probe has been removed from the case after an online comment critical...

Judge Sued for Coaching Prosecutor

Thomason requested the court reporter's audio recording of the hearing. The court reporter declined to give it up, saying the recording...

Made in Chicago Museum - Stenograph Machine

“The Stenograph was the best machine ever made. It would work with or without oil. Every bearing was like a jewel.” —Robert T. Wright...

19-Year Delay - Georgia's Top Court Demands Changes

Van Pelt said one cause for delay in the early years was the death of the court reporter who followed Owens' original trial. Lawyers and...

Victory for Court Reporters

This is a decision that has statewide ramifications. DC37 didn't file a grievance, although their members wanted their President to file...

Hernando Courtroom to Get New Sound System

“We’re making do,” said Circuit Court Judge Gerald Chatham to the board. ‘I have trouble hearing a lot of times and my court reporter...

Court Reporter, Mister Leather, Texas Governor?

Jeffrey Payne says he learned two great life lessons from the women who raised him in a Louisiana orphanage.No. 1, from Ms. Lonnie: Bacon...

Missoula Court Reporters Keep the Record Clear

Regularly able to crank out roughly 300 words per minute, the official court reporters at Missoula County District Court make sure every...

How Does Court Reporting Work?

WEST DES MOINES - Des Moines Area Community College is getting the word out about its new court reporting class. A few representatives...

NYS Senator Wants to Find Money for Stenographer

Brean: "When you heard the Administrator say they can't get cases done quickly because they can't afford a stenographer, what did you...

Court Reporter Wants More to Have Her Job

York County chief court reporter Christine Myers is well aware of the looming dearth of court reporters in the legal system, but she says...

From Typewriters to Steno Machines

Hill was an established stenographer and a Rider College faculty member. His collection features books and memorabilia from the early...

Concerns Raised Over FISA Abuse

...“We don’t know for sure that there is or not,” he responded. “But there should be. When you have a court of record and usual handling...

Trump Delays Release of Democratic Memo

...The letter from the White House came after the Intelligence Committee released a transcript of the Monday meeting that showed how the...

Court Reporter Shortage Impacts Trials/Hearings

There is a profession right now where workers are in high demand and the median salary is $51,300.The profession is that of a court...

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